松山市政公園 MO



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Macau, Estrada do Engenheiro Trigo
kontakter telefon: +853 2839 9317
internet side: nature.iacm.gov.mo
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Latitude: 22.1989336, Longitude: 113.5526356

kommentar 5

  • Diah Mauliana

    Diah Mauliana


    The best sunset view in macau

  • Hoon Kim

    Hoon Kim


    I did not take the cable car to reach this park. It is just behind the Guia Lighthouse, and this park is more friendly to children as there is a playground. However, for tourists, I do not think this is a must-visit in Macau, rather, this park is a good place to take a rest after a long time walk such as seeing the Guia Lighthouse.

  • Shreyas Lingadahalli

    Shreyas Lingadahalli


    This is a must visit attraction in Macau. U can take a cable car ride up to the the hill for just 2 mop if u don't have a car. U can get a spectacular view of Macau from the top. If you are in mood for some exercise, there are tons of free equipments to choose from. Bonus: many walking trails to explore.

  • Rita Cheng

    Rita Cheng


    It's an interesting place. It has lots of structures alongside the path going uphill. We played and exercised with those structures and sweat a lot. But good workout after all. They've gondola going uphill, too. I costs $2 to go uphill and $3 for return trip. It's fun.

  • Woody Woody

    Woody Woody


    Take a cable car up with small buck, then take an hour stunning scenic views of Macau peninsula, must see!

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