Lou Lim Ioc Garden MO

MacauLou Lim Ioc Garden



🕗 åbningstider

Macau, Estrada de Adolfo Loureiro
kontakter telefon: +853 2831 5566
internet side: nature.iacm.gov.mo
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Latitude: 22.2004144, Longitude: 113.5475653

kommentar 5

  • Sanjay Joel

    Sanjay Joel


    A silent place in the midst of busy city. Lot of Bonsai and Rock formation. Worth a visit.

  • en

    Soo Kim


    Accidentally discovered this beautiful Chinese garden after getting lost walking around the city. This garden is surprisingly large and very nice to walk around. Definitely worth a visit!

  • emy purwa

    emy purwa


    Beautiful garden, photography gallery and museum all in one place

  • en

    Ricardo Gaspar do Rosário


    Great Garden with beautiful lake and peaceful maze...amazing flowers

  • Cristo Wong

    Cristo Wong


    A Chinese styled garden with pavilion, pool and artificial rocks. Lotus flowers cover the whole pool. The elderly likes to spend time here for a nap or playing chess. It's also a good place for photography.

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