Lou lim iol garden MO

MacauLou lim iol garden



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8, Estrada de Adolfo Loureiro, MO Macau
kontakter telefon: +853
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Latitude: 22.200154, Longitude: 113.5477835

kommentar 5





  • 박수정



    올라온 사진이 예뻐서 들른곳. 현재 연꽃이 필시기가 아닌지 ㅜㅜ 흐린물밖에 없어서 아쉬웠다 ㅜㅜ 그래도 전시회도하고 곳곳에 예쁜 포인트 들이 많은 곳!! 특히 전시회는 가볼만 하다.

  • Jhoe Basbano Agudo

    Jhoe Basbano Agudo


    best for sightseeing , walking ,and relaxing especially if you are alone.This is a nice place when you need to calm down. try to visit this place.

  • BradJill Travels

    BradJill Travels


    The Lou Lim Ieoc Garden is the 4th stop on the Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) sponsored 'An Experiment of Creativity' self-walking tour. This is the best overall attraction on this particular heritage trail that covers the less visited area of Macau known as the St. Lazarus District. The 'An Experiment of Creativity' starts at the Kun Iam Temple on Avenida do Coronel Mesquita before making stops along Avenida do Sidonio Pais. The trail then returning north on Estrada de Adolfo Loureiro, calling on the Lou Lim Ieoc Garden, which many consider to be Macau's very best garden attraction and experience. The Lou Lim Ieoc Garden is open from 6am to 9pm daily. This is a walled garden beautifully designed in the fashion of Suzhou-style. It features beautiful landscaping, pavilions, a large koy pond with garden house, which is used for exhibitions throughout the year. Grottos are scattered throughout the garden. A highlight at this garden is a delightful winding bridge leading to an island pavilion, where you see gorgeous lotus plants and blooms if lucky enough to visit during the month of June when we have the annual Lotus Festival. There is a historic colonial building at the park that houses the small museum known as the Macau Tea Culture House. This is worth a few minutes of your time as well. Note: Lou Lim Ieoc is a feature location during important festival periods like Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival when the park is given a festival make-over with numerous holiday installations. There are often Orchid shows at the garden around holiday periods. In the end, this park is just lovely and a great place to take a break from sightseeing in Macau. Plenty of park benches and shaded area at Lou Lim Ieoc. Give the garden at least 15 minutes for a quick look over or spend much longer if you have extra time and enjoy what you find here. Note: Visit the MGTO website page for the 'An Experiment of Creativity' self-guided walk information and maps which you can download and use for making your way around the St. Lazarus District in Macau. Note: Other attractions included on the 'An Experiment of Creativity' heritage trail include the Kun Iam Temple, Flora Garden, Dr. Sun Yat Sen Memorial House, Tap Seac Gallery, Tap Seac Square and St. Lazarus Church.

  • SeongHye Woo

    SeongHye Woo


    사계절 내내 푸르른 곳, 관리가 잘 되어 있으며 도심 내 이런 정원이 있다는 것이 믿기지 않을 정도로 정말 좋은 곳이다. 마카오에 여행을 왔다면 한번쯤 들려도 좋은 곳이다. 중국스러움이 잘 느껴지고 이곳에 오면 앉아 경관을 천천히 볼 수도 있고 가장 안쪽에 위치한 건물에서는 주기적으로 전시회도 열린다.

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