Jardim Da Flora MO

MacauJardim Da Flora



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Avenida de Sidonio Pais, MO Macau
kontakter telefon: +853 6537 3210
internet side: nature.iacm.gov.mo
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.2002557, Longitude: 113.5514596

kommentar 5

  • BradJill Travels

    BradJill Travels


    Flora Garden is the second place to visit on the Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) sponsored 'An Experiment of Creativity' self-walking tour, a trail that takes in a handful of attractions around the St. Lazarus District on the Macau Peninsula. The 'An Experiment of Creativity' starts at the Kun Iam Temple on Avenida do Coronel Mesquita before making way to Flora Garden, which is 500 metres away on Avenida do Sidonio Pais. Best to use a heritage trail map if you are not familiar with the streets of Macau. This is a European style garden, situated just beneath Guia Hill. The garden centres around a pedestrian avenue lined with palms and flowering shrubs. There is a decent flowered fountain just below the hill, a few bird cages as well as a sloth bear enclosure, which is neat to see if the bear is active. Children playground area can also be found here as well as at the top of Guia Hill, which is reached by way of the Guia Cable Car (MOP2 single ride/ MOP3 double ride). The cable car terminus is located at the park entrance. The garden is open from 6am to 8.30pm daily. In the end, Flora Garden is not one of my favourite green spaces in Macau but it is a fair place to explore as part of this An Experiment of Creativity self-guided walking tour. You can spend 15 minutes here if time is limited or spend much longer if you want to further explore Guia Hill as part of the cable car experience before moving onward to the next attraction on the trail. Note: You will find more information on the MGTO website relating to the 'An Experiment of Creativity' self-guided walk as well as Flora Garden. You can download maps from this website resource as well. Note: Other attractions included on the 'An Experiment of Creativity' heritage trail include the Kun Iam Temple, Dr. Sun Yat Sen Memorial House, Lou Lim Ieoc Garden, Tap Seac Gallery, Tap Seac Square and St. Lazarus Church.

  • K C Leo Tai

    K C Leo Tai


    There is the good place for kids to exhaust their energy. There are play ground, animal cages, birds cage, cable car, out door gym & jogging facilities👍

  • John Quinn

    John Quinn


    Amazing and educational. The walk to the lighthouse is very long and relaxing.

  • Angelica Villareal

    Angelica Villareal


    So very good

  • Ashley Mak

    Ashley Mak


    Very nice and quiet park. There's even a short section of cable car from the entrance to the hill with incredibly cheap price (MOP 2 for one way, and MOP 3 for a round ticket).

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