Montanha Russa Garden MO

MacauMontanha Russa Garden



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Latitude: 22.204347, Longitude: 113.5525806

kommentar 5

  • BradJill Travels

    BradJill Travels


    We visited the Jardim da Montanha Russa after a nice stop at Kun Iam Temple this past weekend. It was a nice small park which appears to have been renovated in the not to distant past but there was still a bit of construction taking place at the top of the small hill within the garden grounds. We found a few lovely stoned walking paths here, all surrounded by trees and vegetation growth, making it a lovely place to take stroll in the winter time. Perhaps not such a great place in the hotter summer months though. We also found a cute little cafe/tea shop and a few locals having morning drink when we visited. This was nice. Also, we saw no other tourists at this little park. While not hugely important in terms of what to do/see in Macau, this made it a neat stop in addition to seeing Kun Iam Temple, nearby. We don't recommend targeting this little garden while in Macau unless you plan to visit the impressive Kun Iam Temple. If so, you might want to visit Jardim da Montanha Russa as well. However, if you are short on time, you would do better off to head back towards the historic centre of Macua stopping to visit the Flora Garden, where you find the cable cars to Guia Hill or the very beautiful Lou Lim leoc Garden just before you reach Tap Seac Square.

  • 風雲



    螺絲山公園(葡萄牙語:Jardim Municipal da Montanha Russa,或稱馬交石公園),是位於澳門花地瑪堂區的公園,公園的歷史價值已為澳門政府所評定。 螺絲山公園佔地約9500平方公尺,公園有螺旋形小徑引導遊人迴旋到達上方的人工眺望台。由於整座公園形似一顆巨型螺絲,人工眺望台同樣是螺絲形,所以稱為螺絲山公園。 螺絲山公園(或稱馬交石公園),是位於澳門望廈山與馬交石山之間的一個小山崗上,山崗高約30公尺。公園有兩個入口,分別位於新雅馬路和亞馬喇馬路。

  • zh-Hant

    SK hon


    適合5歲以下小童, 便宜高卡車可以玩

  • zh-Hant

    cakecake Lam



  • Claire P

    Claire P


    Beautiful gardens.

nærmeste Parkere

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