Regency Art Hotel Macau MO

MacauRegency Art Hotel Macau


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2, Estrada Almirante Marques Esparteiro, MO Macau
kontakter telefon: +853 2883 1234
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Latitude: 22.1620523, Longitude: 113.553428

kommentar 5

  • Reetika mehta

    Reetika mehta


    The stay at the regency art hotel was very comfortable and staff was very humble and helpful. They had 24hrs kitchen services. Market is very nearer to the palce

  • Shanmu Srini

    Shanmu Srini


    Worst customer care service.. Kindly don't book rooms here.. we stayed here and paid 1000 as caution deposit. They said they will refund the money in 10-15 working days. But they dint refund anything...also I have mailed them regarding the same, but there is no proper response from them.. Being a 4 star hotel they should not be like this to a foreign customers, they should react immediately to the customers..

  • Cristo Wong

    Cristo Wong


    The artistic decoration was the key feature of the hotel but now it cannot be found in the room after renovation. The room design become modern but not new and trendy. Portuguese style can be seen in the outdoor garden, swimming pool and entertaining room. There is indoor hot spring which is paid service. The breakfast buffet has quite a lot of food but vegan food is limited.

  • Long Nguyen

    Long Nguyen


    Nice for group or small company, just had chrismas party here with my company, the buffet is not bad at all.

  • en

    Yogesh Shivaprasad


    It’s a very old hotel but has a charm of its own ! Beautiful place. Downside is that everything feels too old to use like the taps.

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