MGM Macau MO

MacauMGM Macau


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Avenida Doutor Sun Yat-Sen, MO Macau
kontakter telefon: +853 8802 8888
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Latitude: 22.1860312, Longitude: 113.5478016

kommentar 5

  • en

    Leh Leng Tan


    Comfortable and friendly staffs when I stay in the hotel last week. I hope to come in again.

  • Ruben Paramjothy

    Ruben Paramjothy


    Six star location and casino.. Beautiful sights all around

  • michelle Lam

    michelle Lam


    Always have different decorative at the Center of the hotel. Today while I passed by the hall happened to see the diver feeding the fish & got both English & Chinese Interpretor introducing different type of fishes in the big water tank. Now getting closer to Chinese New Year so got the Chinese New Year Theme decoration. Always like having a cake at the Pastry Bar & the Bar offered 2 persons afternoon tea sets as well. If u visit Macau, whether u would stay at the hotel or not, it should still be the place for everyone to visit. Enjoy

  • Christina Victoria Fleming

    Christina Victoria Fleming


    The stuffs are really friendly and thoughtful. My family had a such great time here. My daughter keeps asking me when she can come back and stay here for vacation again. Thanks for giving us an unforgettable experience during this trip.❤🍸

  • Evelyn Limanjaya

    Evelyn Limanjaya


    Amazing real fish aquarium display at the center! The staff were friendly too. There are high end fashion shops and restaurants. They also provide free shuttle from the ferry pier. Restaurant quality is good, especially the service.

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