Grandview Hotel Macau MO

MacauGrandview Hotel Macau


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No 142, Estrada Governador Albano de Oliveira, MO Macao
kontakter telefon: +853 2883 7788
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Latitude: 22.1571677, Longitude: 113.5518599

kommentar 5

  • Pam Mendoza

    Pam Mendoza


    The room is big and they also serve breakfast options. Thankful for Mr. Gary Tong who assisted us on our check in and check out. We had a wonderful stay here in hotel. Will definitely comeback ❤️

  • Jennifer



    I highly recommend this hotel. The reception was good and approachable. The room was good. They separate the non smoking and smoking floors. The amenities are good. Near to the bus station going to Cotia, Taipa and Macao. Near 24hours supermarket. MCDO and jollibee. Most important thing is there’s a kind filipinos receptionist.

  • Sedric Chua

    Sedric Chua


    Stayed here for 4 days. It is a nice clean hotel and great value for money. The hotel also offers 2 restaurants that are both really good Walking distance from Taipa Village




    We had a very good stay at this hotel..Mr. Marcus at reception was very helpful and accomodated our early check in request...Other staff is helpful too..they will guide you size is very good..location is good too..around 15 minutes walk to Venetian , Parisian etc...around 15 minutes drive to tapai ferry terminal..bus station , MTR station etc. all are very nearby...special mention for the staff once again. Also have cafe , casino etc in property.

  • aow 37

    aow 37


    Hotel room was spacious and clean enough, however the mini fridge did not work well and air conditioning was barely felt/weak. We spent alot of time at the ferry terminal trying to find the pick up point for the shuttle service to the hotel which we could not find. The bus shuttle service schedule on the website was outdated and we ended up taking a taxi to the hotel. Upon reaching hotel and asking the concierge, turns out there was a new shuttle bus schedule and you had to get a ticket from the concierge to be able to board the shuttle bus. Shuttle bus was only able to seat 8 passengers, tickets were given on a first come first serve basis. Location was close to Taipa Village, walkable distance, but far from other hotels where the big casinos were. The hotel's casino was small, recommend to travel to another bigger hotel and use their shuttle services to travel between the casinos.

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