Riviera Hotel Macau MO

MacauRiviera Hotel Macau


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Rua do Comendador Kou Ho Neng, MO Macao
kontakter telefon: +853 2833 9955
internet side: rivierahotelmacau.besthotelforyou.com
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Latitude: 22.1861337, Longitude: 113.5353231

kommentar 5

  • Billy Long

    Billy Long


    The room was a nice size and in new condition. Hotel is located on top of a hill and is out of town. But there is a bus route outside and hotel had shuttle bus s to city. I would return to this hotel. They upgraded our room to a city view room

  • Kelv



    There is currently construction going on until January 2024. They never told us in advance and said that there would be noise from 11-6pm. Both mornings noise began at 10am! Rooms have no view with construction. A big green window you can't see through is what you get. Says minibar but you only get 2 bottles of complimentary water that's all. Rooms were decent. Service at the restaurants was mediocre

  • Chard Chua

    Chard Chua


    Going outside to walk is OK. Coming back is uphill. Better to take the bus.

  • Crystal Lee

    Crystal Lee


    The worse hotel experience I have ever been. The hotel staff keep staying they don’t know for the regulations of refund for deposit and keep behaving unfriendly. The decor was fully Chinese design and the view of the outdoor was horrible. The room is full of dust, it is extremely unfriendly to people who are easy to get nose allergy. When we redeem the coffee at the cafeteria, the staff shown their poker face with unfriendly manners. If u wish to find a good room with low price, please don’t those this hotel.




    Even though looks old school from outside the hotel, the room is actually very moden & spacious. Room has moden features like auto close/open curtain, sleep mode lights, smart TV, & it let you switch on lights & aircond in the room even if you are away from hotel. 5 star room for the price of 3 star rate. Transport is not a problem with frequent shutter bus service available at day time & coming back at night can easily take the yellow mini bus. Very worthy of staying here. Will come back to stay here again in next trip.

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