Galaxy Macau MO

MacauGalaxy Macau



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Macau, 望德聖母灣大馬路路氹城
kontakter telefon: +853 2888 0888
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Latitude: 22.150522, Longitude: 113.552385

kommentar 5

  • Tim Alvner

    Tim Alvner


    Great pool deck and I loved the bungalows here! A much more Asian feeling to the whole resort than the other alternatives and broadly a step up in terms of luxury and experience. A strong recommendation!

  • Anandi Balasigamani

    Anandi Balasigamani


    We stayed there for two days. The grand resort deck : heated pool, wave pool, slides. Must must try for the kids and adults... Nice place to chill and relax. Great service at the pool side. Rooms are very clean and comfortable. Hotel has good shopping around and theater too. So keeps kids happy when parents are visiting the casino. Restaurants - good selection of food options. But leaning towards Asian cuisine. Great check in and absolutely awesome checkout experience. No queues and no waiting time. Which I personally liked a lot. In all.. A great place to stay.

  • Ben Symonds

    Ben Symonds


    Hotel looked amazing from the outside and lobby, but the rooms themselves were quite tired and dated. Bags took 2 hours to arrive at the room after check in. Pool area is good. Resort spending was confusing, with no explanation on check-in, I think there was some kind of cash card setup for some of the restaurants as they didn't accept visa or MasterCard. Staff were friendly. Complementary water bottles are far too small to be useful.

  • en

    Harry Lewer


    From the moment we checked in to when we left it was really great. For such a big hotel, the check in process was seamless and very quick. The rooms were amazing with great views, buffet breakfast was really good with a broad selection of food and quite affordable as well. Location is convenient with lots of shops and restaurants in the hotel and other hotels/casinos quite close within walking distance. Service was also exceptional from everyone we dealt with throughout the stay. Would highly recommend and would definitely return.

  • Jay



    Great place to stay in Macau. Not so expensive as you might think. Really gives off a luxurious feel. They even have shuttle buses that can transports you for free from the ferry to the hotel and from the hotel to other designated places within Macau. Just take note of the schedule. And if you are planning to eat dinner, buy souvenirs, or just play some slot machines inside Galaxy Resort, don't forget to register at the casino. You can get at least 10% off on selected shops and restaurants.

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