Hotel Metropole MO

MacauHotel Metropole


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493-501, Avenida da Praia Grande, MO Macau
kontakter telefon: +853 2838 8166
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Latitude: 22.19221, Longitude: 113.540285

kommentar 5

  • en

    RJ L


    Convenient location for Macao visitors to check out the city and enjoy some shopping. The breakfast restaurant at the ground floor is average and could have done a better job in the service department. They were lacking in customer service and it felt like you owe them a favor for being there. The hotel in general is well-decorated and deserves to be considered a 4-star hotel for it cleanliness and the lobby staff service. They are very welcoming and considers the needs of their guests. Decent place if you are looking for something practical and not extravagance.

  • AMH Siu

    AMH Siu


    Room is comfortable and clean, and of reasonable size. Front desk is helpful. Convenient location and walk distance to many attractions and shops. Restaurant is expensive and not much facilities.

  • Iván Ramírez

    Iván Ramírez


    Excellent location. Good room. Bathtub. Good service. Breakfast can definitely improve but overall is a great choice to explore the city.

  • en

    Yashwanth Kangen


    Convenient location, nice stay, good service

  • en

    Pedro Morouço


    A nice 3 star hotel. Staff should take English courses to help foreigners.

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