Metropark Hotel Macau MO

MacauMetropark Hotel Macau


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199, Rua de Pequim, MO Macao
kontakter telefon: +853 2878 1233
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Latitude: 22.1922573, Longitude: 113.5482919

kommentar 5

  • Roberto Cabrera

    Roberto Cabrera


    i just went there to have some coffee danish at the lobby, it was a wonderful experience 😍

  • Alexander Ziegler

    Alexander Ziegler


    Very average regarding food. We had lunch as part of a group tour, and I cannot recommend the hotel restaurant. Food was average quality and not really warm and fresh. Buffet was unlimited, so you could eat a lot if you were hungry .

  • Mona Felicia

    Mona Felicia


    Modern hotel, room , bathroom quite nice & new… BUT VERY STINKY… SMELLS FROM CIGARETTES EVERYWHERE… even I already at non smoking floor. Location strategic.

  • Vhie Luisa

    Vhie Luisa


    for Chinese people NO MEED TO PAY FOR DEPOSIT, while other Nationalities NEED TO PAY FOR DEPOSIT. so my husband told me I don't need to pay for deposit so i went there to check-in under his name.and they asked for deposit,i did not bring any money ,and i only have my husband's credit card(well I can't use it since they only allowed the owner to come in person) . So i waited outside for few hours,,and when my husband came,they said NO NEED FOR DEPOSIT. just wow. i asked why,they said Because foreigners DO PARTY IN THE ROOM unlike CHINESE. THIS IS DISCRIMINATION TO US! why?are they sure chinese don't do parties in the room???

  • Alisa Zhang

    Alisa Zhang


    According to Macao's official regulations, mainland cities in medium-risk areas of COVID cannot enter Macao within 10 days. I informed Metropark Hotel Macau to cancel the order 5 days in advance and provided evidence that I could not enter Macao due to COVID FACTORS, but I was still deducted more than half of the room fee. The other two hotels I booked, however, were exempt from cancellation, even they were non-cancelable order. Although a scheduled order is of the non-cancelable type, cancellation occurs involuntarily. According to the general provisions of the Civil Law, the parties shall be exempted from the liability for breach of contract in the event of irresistible factors; What's more, the hotel industry itself is an industry that pays attention to humanized service and excellent service. Therefore, no matter for legal or humanitarian reasons, Metropark Hotel should not charge customers liquidated damages. Actually, penalty is not the only solution to this matter, the hotel can choose to reserve the next check-in places for customers instead of return the room fees. Why choose a solution that makes the customer the most uncomfortable? I will blacklist this hotel for my next Macao trip. Definitely, not recommended!

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