Waldo Hotel-东A MO

MacauWaldo Hotel-东A


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MO Lote J - Zape, Quarteirao, 6 Macao
kontakter telefon: +853 2888 6688
internet side: www.waldohotel.com
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Latitude: 22.1932341, Longitude: 113.5530965

kommentar 5

  • AsianPizzaConsumer



    Smears and stains on almost all surfaces and no hot water in the shower

  • Travel with Nithu

    Travel with Nithu


    Waldo Hotel is a famous hotel. The rooms,service and location are very good and walkability,foods and drinks,safety also good. I recommend you can visit during the vaccation to get more experience.

  • Graham Emo

    Graham Emo


    Acceptable standard that widely met expectations, some room for improvement however in all areas, slightly dated

  • Khanh Trieu

    Khanh Trieu


    Really enjoyed my time at the Waldo, had great views of Macau from my room and had excellent comfy sleep each night of my stay..

  • Noj Mojal

    Noj Mojal


    Used to be my work place back in 2004-2008. The very first Galaxy Casino in Macau started in this Hotel featuring 5 floors of VIP action.

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