brak informacji
🕗 godziny otwarcia
PoniedziaÅek | ⚠ | |||||
Wtorek | ⚠ | |||||
Åroda | ⚠ | |||||
Czwartek | ⚠ | |||||
PiÄ tek | ⚠ | |||||
Sobota | ⚠ | |||||
Niedziela | ⚠ |
Situated at the basement of Auto-Silo do Terminal Maritimo de Passageiros da Taipa, Macau
kontakt telefon: +853
wiÄksza mapa i wskazĆ³wkiLatitude: 22.162744, Longitude: 113.577866
::ģ¬ė ė§ģė ģ ė ź°ė©“ ģėė ź³³. ģ ģ ģ¬ė ė§ģė ź°ģ 2ģź° ė°~3ģź°ģ ė ģģ źø°ė¤ė øė ģ ģ“ ģģ“ģ ģµėķ ė¹Øė¦¬ ģ¬ė ģ ģė ķėź² ģ“ė.
celeste lasala
::An organized ferry terminal. But with lots of tourists, visitors and passengers. Always crowded.
Tsz Hei Tong
::Try to avoid this terminal. Hours and hours of standing and waiting for the turn. Literally Chinese New Year is really crowded. Make sure you have your exact time on your ticket and arrive 10minutes early. Otherwise have told wait hours n hours standing.
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