Round-the-Clock Coffee Shop MO

MacauRound-the-Clock Coffee Shop



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2-4號, Avenida de Lisboa, MO Macao
kontakter telefon: +853 8803 7766
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Latitude: 22.1908627, Longitude: 113.5436049

kommentar 5

  • Floreen Flo

    Floreen Flo


    I am coming on the first day of Chinese new year...I got to see lion dance but the place just too crowded during this lunch...the food is extraordinary good and super yummy. Recommended place to stop by.

  • Ryan Thompson

    Ryan Thompson


    It was noon and I hadn’t had a coffee yet. This place was the closest for a latte. This is on the 4th floor of the casino and up many escalators. Don’t go into the casino, but rather take an elevator to 4th floor from the hotel. Coffee was perfect. Good choice of Asian and western options too.

  • Esther Wamugunda

    Esther Wamugunda


    Large, airy restaurant located inside the Grand Lisboa Hotel. The breakfast menu is fantastic, especially the eggs. They are served with a choice of sides and make for a complete breakfast meal. The staff barely speak any English, but they are eager to help.

  • Riaz Lorgat

    Riaz Lorgat


    If you staying at Or nearby the Grand Lisboa in Macau these Guys have a great atmosphere, wonderful staff and s good selection of cuisine. Include my light meals and pastries.

  • A B

    A B


    Good cake and steam buns, but very bad Espresso which was really sour and overpriced at $32. Tea (Earl Grey) is average. Also in a way typical Chinese service. They have a professional appearance on first glance but don't act professional enough considering the prices. For example don't give an extra plate for the used tea bags. Are not really friendly with a smile, slouch around. Not everyone but it feels like China. Also strange: Cake prices are for take away. If you eat them in the café, you have to pay $15 dollar extra!? The atmosphere is nice and relaxed though: Relatively quiet and no loud music.

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