光輝咖啡 MO




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33號C, Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral, MO Macao
kontakter telefon: +853 2855 1373
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Latitude: 22.2020255, Longitude: 113.548387

kommentar 5

  • Michelle Cheong

    Michelle Cheong


    The only drawback in summer is that there is no air-conditioning system But the place was still packed, and the boss and employees never stopped 😄 Pork chop buns and spicy fish buns are absolutely indistinguishable, authentic Macanese taste

  • Herbert Chong

    Herbert Chong


    Bias review alert! There's one type of food which goes beyond excellence: the food capable of bringing you memories. I grew up in Macau in the 80s and 90s when it was such an unknown place in a global perspective which forced me to always used Hong Kong as a reference when people asked me where I came from (not anymore). Pork Chop Bun is one of the few most popular local snacks known by the tourists. 光輝 hands down make the best one in town. The smell and fluffiness of that fresh bun combines with the spread (possibly butter) they put on make the bun stands out alone even without the filling. The juicy, marinated and make-to-order pan fried thin pork chop takes this combination over the top. You may feel weird to see the pork chop was cut so thin. Your first impression can easily turn to a cost cutting skepticism; however, wait until the first bite and you may think otherwise. A bite of this always took me back to my childhood days as this place was my favorite spot for a quick bite either before or after school. Note: A tiny cafe with limited seats and space to maneuver. Family with young kids are definitely not suitable to dine in but they always have prompt service on take out orders.

  • Johnson Day

    Johnson Day


    Strongly recommended the pork noodle

  • Cristóvão Fong

    Cristóvão Fong


    Famous for its thin pork chop... Tasty but overpriced...

  • Kasu Fong

    Kasu Fong


    One of the best pork chop bun in Macau. But a bit overpricedd.

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