Alves Cafe MO

MacauAlves Cafe



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Macau, 黑沙環海邊馬路49號至53號海富花園地下A舖
kontakter telefon: +853 2857 1846
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Latitude: 22.2017039, Longitude: 113.5528227

kommentar 5

  • Stephen Tsang

    Stephen Tsang


    Food is good. Coffee is excellent. It is rich and smooth. A bit sour and with after taste. Baked Portuguese chicken is great and quite traditional. Cooked with olives, rasins and Portuguese suages. Seven branches in Macau.

  • Wong Francis

    Wong Francis


    Why pay through the neck to eat Portuguese style chicken in old restaurants like Solmar nearby, when you can have the aame thing for much less? Locals frequent there which is a very good sign. Their Portuguese chicken is to die for.....

  • Running Panda HK

    Running Panda HK


    Very nice coffee with good selection of beans from the glob. Food was alright with a good price. Staff are very friendly and warm.

  • 澳門魔術派對Macau Magic Party

    澳門魔術派對Macau Magic Party


    nice food

  • Jason Florian

    Jason Florian


    Best coffee in Macau

nærmeste Cafe

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