BarCelona Tapas & Rice MO

MacauBarCelona Tapas & Rice



🕗 åbningstider

16, Rua de Venceslau de Morais, MO Macau
kontakter telefon: +853 2872 1084
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Latitude: 22.2053088, Longitude: 113.5552194

kommentar 5

  • Yours Truthfully

    Yours Truthfully


    Beautiful delicious food, a hidden gem in Macau, fully recommend!

  • en

    Matt H


    Went here at 3pm on a Saturday afternoon. The place was dead. Air con was off so it was quite stuffy We had to ask twice for them to put some music on. It was so bad eventually we asked them to switch it off again. The food was poor quality and the sangria tasted like it was from a can. We ordered manchego with anchovies and they substituted the anchovies for bread without asking us - then insisted on the menu price. If you want a dining experience avoid this place. Try Antonio’s instead.

  • Flora Tse

    Flora Tse


    Authentic Spanish tapas and paella. Tasty and very good service. A good selection of wine. I would come back. The location is easily accessible by bus.

  • en

    Mark Doctoroff


    Spanish Tapas restaurants generally serve many different types of small plates of food to accompany wine and Sangria. This Spanish/Mediterranean restaurant has a wonderful selection of such dishes. The serving staff are also very helpful and will explain what "tends to work best"... The quality of the food is nothing short of excellent... and the Sangria is excellent [even better than the Sangria that I make!! While in Macau, this restaurant will definitely be very enjoyable as well as memorable!

  • Ashley Mak

    Ashley Mak


    Amazingly beautiful and exquisite Barcelona cuisine. With every dish like piece of art, some of their good selection of wine, the easygoing and comfortable environment, the very friendly staff and most of all the warm chef Hector; it's easy to spend a few hours here satisfying your appetite and belly.

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