Fortune Porridge and Noodles MO

MacauFortune Porridge and Noodles



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Avenida do Doutor Rodrigo Rodrigues, MO Macao
kontakter telefon: +853 8801 2788
internet side:
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Latitude: 22.1970436, Longitude: 113.5561093

kommentar 5

  • Sophia Sun

    Sophia Sun


    The location is convenient and the taste is okay.

  • 貓貓太陽城




  • Selene Wang

    Selene Wang


    The service is very friendly, the staff will always pay attention to the guests' needs, the food is delicious, and you can get discounts if you have a casino membership card

  • Kam Lin Lee

    Kam Lin Lee


    Desserts are only served at 11:00 in the morning. Before, they only had soup noodles and porridge. The rice noodles are delicious, the porridge is average, and the snacks are all delicious.

  • Mark C

    Mark C


    Price is affordable and tasty

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