Wonderwall Coffee MO

MacauWonderwall Coffee



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Macau, Rua Do VolongNo.54-AEDIF. Nga LoiRC-BMacau
kontakter telefon: +853 6555 3650
internet side: www.wonderwallcoffee.com
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Latitude: 22.197028, Longitude: 113.5454999

kommentar 5

  • BradJill Travels

    BradJill Travels


    Wonderwall Coffee joined opened up a few years back in St. Lazarus a few years ago. This is casual coffeehouse and winebar set up on beautiful Rua do Volong street between St. Lazarus and Tap Seac. This is a neat little place with a relaxing seating area, featuring three communal style tables and a two barrel tables surrounded by cushioned sofa chairs. Decor is a version of urban industrial with an eclectic touch. The overall feel to the place is very relaxing, a nice place to escape the heat to enjoy a wine, beer, coffee or perhaps a bite to eat. They serve a handful of wine and beer varieties as well as a small selection of food orders, desserts and as the shop name indicates, coffee drinks. During my recent visit to Wonderwall, I sampled their Single Origin espresso, sourced out of Thailand that tasted pretty good, moderate acidity with an almond finish (rating 3 of 5). I also tried the latte which was ok but too milky for my liking and the espresso seemed a bit weak. They probably need to keep working on their latte drinks. Next time around, I probably stick with the espressos and black coffee drinks. Overall, I find the coffee drinks good at Wonderwall. You can find better in Macau but what was served here wasn't bad. Location wise, this place is great, right in the heart of St. Lazarus, the most beautiful small district in Macau, and they have a really relaxing indoor seating area that begs you return for future visits.

  • en

    nou wai


    Best coffe and breakfast cafe in macau

  • Desire Hdez

    Desire Hdez


    Small and cozy, delicious food in a chill atmosphere. Good tea, coffee and wine. Spent the afternoon jamming to Christian music, reading and coloring from their stash of books while my husband did some work online. I'll definitely return

  • en

    si anne


    This is a very nice place to chill out. During the day, you can get a light meal, have a cup of coffee and work a little in this place. In some evenings, they have live music and you can enjoy a bottle of beer.

  • Vivian Sio

    Vivian Sio


    Great café! Nice music with delicious food and fantastic drinks! Recommended to go there and enjoy!

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