Macau Island MO

MacauMacau Island


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Macau Island, Macau
kontakter telefon: +853
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Latitude: 22.1997222, Longitude: 113.5463889

kommentar 5

  • Rudraksh Nadkarni

    Rudraksh Nadkarni


    Beautiful place lined up with Portuguese Architecture, Modern Casinos and numerous eateries. The Venetian - Casino is a must try experience for people who have never visited any casinos. GPS location was a bit off on the island but the people are very helpful. Prior study of bus numbers and routes is required. Duty/Tax free shopping adds special points for the visits.

  • alan hughes

    alan hughes


    Lost a lot of money here a while back but great atmosphere

  • Carbo Kuo

    Carbo Kuo


    A great peninsula full of heritage and historical buildings.

  • Daryll Villena

    Daryll Villena


    Explore Macau’s heritage spots, high end casino malls, luxury brands, Macau Street Food, Macau cuisine in just one day! :) Ride a ferry fro Hong Kong, if you have the budget hire a tour guide for a cheap price.

  • Anshul Johri

    Anshul Johri


    A beautiful island to spend time with family. A place full of casinos and big hotels and resorts. Almost every big hotel has a casino. Things are pretty costly here including water, food and shopping but it’s ok to spend couple of days here to live the Royal moments.

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