劉永強牙醫 MO




🕗 åbningstider

1B, Estrada de Adolfo Loureiro, MO Macao
kontakter telefon: +853 2855 3078
internet side: m.facebook.com
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Latitude: 22.201479, Longitude: 113.546094

kommentar 5

  • Grace C

    Grace C


    I was careful to let Dr. Liu "kindly" fill in a few more teeth. Thank you to such a good doctor for helping me fill in some teeth in the past few years. 😁 I originally went to have my teeth cleaned, but I didn't know that he wanted to place an order with me without permission. After the filling was done, the order was not available again. There were so many customers waiting for me, but I came out to count and got one 😀 Recently I checked many times, and the dentist said there was nothing wrong at all without cleaning and refilling (including Dr. Liu's claim that he would need to refill a few in the future) You know, the market situation has been so bad these past few years, so he is doing neighborhood business, and he is such a good gentleman, be careful and you may end up sawing thousands off without realizing it😆 (Google ratings have two channels, you can think about it for yourself😌)

  • Ks Hung

    Ks Hung


    Dentist Liu Yongqiang has no medical ethics

  • Dog A

    Dog A


    Dr. Liu's benevolent heart helped the elderly man glue his dentures together, which solved an urgent need and is worthy of praise.

  • Heitong Lau

    Heitong Lau


  • BilLi illi

    BilLi illi


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