Chapel of St. Francis Xavier 路環聖方濟各堂 MO

MacauChapel of St. Francis Xavier 路環聖方濟各堂


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Macau, 路環計單奴街
contactos telefone: +853 2888 2128
ver mapa maior e direções
Latitude: 22.1168917, Longitude: 113.551481

comentários 5

  • BradJill Travels

    BradJill Travels


    St. Francis Xavier is a small and modest church situated on a square by the same name off the promenade in Coloane Village. From the outside, St. Francis Xavier is nice church to see, like many others in Macau. It reminds of a small version of St. Dominic's at Senado Square and features a small square with two small fountains and a statue structure. The interior is decorated in contemporary fashion, which is different to more traditional style of the majority of Macau's historic churches. You can visit St. Francis Xavier rather quickly while taking in the various stops on the Memorable Buildings of Coloane Heritage Walk which passes by the church. Spend 5-10 minutes here and then you can move on to the next attraction.

  • Flora Tse

    Flora Tse


    The church sits at a pretty peaceful courtyard.

  • Eleodor Sotropa

    Eleodor Sotropa


    Surrounded by a very busy area, an island of tranquility in Coloane. A good museum adjacent to the Chapel.

  • Stephen Tsang

    Stephen Tsang


    Not only the outsides and insides of the church should visit. The surrounding is very beautiful. Must have a walk nearby. A library next to it also attractive.

  • Katarina Embula

    Katarina Embula


    Beautiful church in Coloane Village. The set of Princess' Hours final eps.

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