昌盛餅店 MO




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Macao, 新橋(三盞燈/白鴿巢)道咩啤利士街11號B舖地下
kontakter telefon: +853 2856 8870
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Latitude: 22.204112, Longitude: 113.544299

kommentar 5

  • Maggie Journey

    Maggie Journey


    Steamed buns with red pork filling are very delicious. Big ones, lots of filling. Order the red pork buns and nom jiap, 3 pieces, only 22 mop.

  • Emma Wu

    Emma Wu


    It used to be delicious, but recently I happened to eat some siomai that had dried out its skin. I felt that it had been steamed and dried since it had not been sold for a long time. It was not delicious. I hope the boss will pay attention to the quality and return it to the same deliciousness as before. I am also a little allergic to the preserved egg and lean meat porridge. , I hope the ingredients are fresher, thank you, we look forward to returning to the same delicious food as before

  • Eunice N

    Eunice N


    A local eatery that has buy & to go steamed buns IR dim sum snacks - menus as shown on the photo. Its inside of a wet road or wet market with bad smells. Hygiene is of my concern.

  • 浩倫歐



    Great Xiao long bao and siu mai

  • Mike Walker

    Mike Walker


    I like the food here very much

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