Cakez Café MO

MacauCakez Café



🕗 åbningstider

Macau, 新馬路哪咤廟斜巷老饕巷柏程苑地下鋪
kontakter telefon: +853 2835 5968
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.1952034, Longitude: 113.5423895

kommentar 5

  • 風雲




  • en

    Fiona Cha


    Great place to go 👍 nice food n atmosphere 😊

  • Anperfect Me

    Anperfect Me


    Nice food, not crowded, can make reservation but no needed. Like the pasta.

  • en

    Elizabeth H


    We ordered 2 drinks and 2 mains. The first dish came already quite late after we finish our drinks in about 20 mins. the second dish didn't come after another 40 mins which means it came a whole hour after our order and it was a simple grill chicken. We reminded them 3 times after the first dish that we still have another dish. Nothing happened until when we asked for the bill, the chicken came in 1 min. We said we don't want the chicken anymore and they insist that it's already done. Not wanting to waste food, we ate the chicken. It gave us awkward appetite to split our first and second dish in 2 halfs. What surprise me most is after paying full price for our unpleasant meal we still need to pay extra 10% for the service fee, service fee for our hour long waiting?! 等食物等了一個小時,跟他們說了三次,最後說埋單的時候才把食物拿出來。跟他們說不要了他們就說已經煮好了。我們不想浪費食物所以也吃掉了。我最意想不到的,是我們給了用餐的全數費用後還要多給10%服務費。是讓我們等1小時的服務費嗎?!

  • yeng tun tan

    yeng tun tan


    Location is not easy to find. Dessert was good. They do offer main dishes and salad. Might try it someday

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