Zi Yat Heen MO

MacauZi Yat Heen



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MO Estrada Da Baía De N. Senhora Da Esperança, S/n Macao
kontakter telefon: +853 2881 8818
internet side: www.ziyatheen.com
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Latitude: 22.1463255, Longitude: 113.5622193

kommentar 5

  • Eunice N

    Eunice N


    A nice venue for some quality Chinese food. The restaurant has been awarded Michelin and Black Pearl recogniton.

  • Tonito S

    Tonito S


    Stunning service & food!

  • Pan Tsang

    Pan Tsang


    Good food, excellent service and wonderful dinning experience

  • ww 168

    ww 168


    One of the best dim sum in the world! The only bad side effect is that once you ate here; you don't want to have second-rate dim sum anymore. Hopefully to come back in near future.

  • Anthony Aina

    Anthony Aina


    High end cantonese restaurant, and it has been for more than 10 years (actually 11 if I understood well) a 1 star Michelin restaurant. To put it right away, it is not an inexpensive restaurant. However, happiness in your mouth is warrantied! The subtle mariage of tastes on a plate, or on the plates will please the most exigent taste buds. Sadly with my crustacea allergy, I couldn’t try their “looking very tasty seafood dishes”, but the meat, and the fried rice I got were just what I needed for diner! The fried rice was a customised request. Just for that, I give you a 5 stars rating. The staff speaks english, most of us won’t get lost. The service was faster than what I expected. And all care was given to not let my glasses empty. Some would complain about the dress code. Simply said, dont’t present yourself here in sandals, that is all the restaurant wants from you. T shirt is ok, jeans ok but no sandals. You are in a good, I would even say, a fantastic place, so make a little bit of effort!

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