新苗超市 MO




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475-487, Rua Cidade de Coimbra, MO Macao
kontakter telefon: +853 2875 5068
internet side: www.sanmiu.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.1885943, Longitude: 113.5501509

kommentar 5

  • YT C

    YT C


    The staff are so slow that they can't catch the bus every time... Especially when the bus comes and there are a lot of customers queuing up, the counter staff doesn't know where to go and there are two counters occupied and more than a dozen customers queuing up...? ? There were no buses, no customers queuing up, and there were staff at all three counters. I don’t know if they were reserved for boarding only.

  • Sachin Gupta

    Sachin Gupta



  • Zachary Rose

    Zachary Rose


    Don't go.

  • pia lim

    pia lim


    Sales and promos!

  • MeT



    Nice supermart with many foodstuffs. It also stocks many types of alcohol- beers, whiskey, brandy, wines, Chinese wines etc- at reasonable prices. Lots of foodstuff n tidbits, sweets, chocolates, candies for souvenirs also at reasonable prices. It has 2 floors n one should go to upper floor for a look also.

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