Tong Sin Tong Second Clinic MO

MacauTong Sin Tong Second Clinic



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273, Rua das Lorchas, MO Macao
kontakter telefon: +853 2893 8963
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Latitude: 22.1941313, Longitude: 113.5357098

kommentar 3

  • 羅樂斌



    My daughter had her teeth extracted and the dentist was very professional.

  • BradJill



    At Praca de Ponte e Horta, a small square along Rua das Lorchas, you can see a 19th century building of Portuguese architecture with yellow pastel colour, similar to that found on similar buildings in the Historic City Centre. This building is a former Opium House and is one of the stops you can make along the MGTO sponsored 'Footsteps into the Historic Centre' walk. Today the Opium house serves a very different purpose, being a clinic managed by the Tong Sin Tong Charitable Society who took over the building in 2001. Overall, the Opium House is not a major attraction, just a place to stop and have a quick look of you are staying at area hotels like Sun Sun, Ole London or Home of Macau or are passing by Praca de Ponte e Horta during your time in Macau.

  • Sungmin Jin

    Sungmin Jin


    It is said to be a place where opium addicts were treated in Macau.

nærmeste Hospital

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