Theatre Alegria MO

MacauTheatre Alegria



🕗 åbningstider

85, Estrada do Repouso, MO Macau
kontakter telefon: +853 2831 1636
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.2020599, Longitude: 113.5428674

kommentar 5

  • BradJill Travels

    BradJill Travels


    Cinema Alegria is one of the few old theatre houses that remain in operation in Macau. Built in the 1950s, Cinema Alegria interestingly features an Art Deco facade that is neat to see if you are a fan of this form of architecture. If you want to see Cinema Alegria, it is a bit out of the way from the Historic City Centre but manageable to find. It is located Estrado do Repouso north of the Fire Service Museum, east of Camoes Garden and just next to Lin Kai Temple, which is also worth having a look if you want to explore this area of Macau.

  • en

    Chan Wai


    old school cinema

  • Lau Jacky

    Lau Jacky



  • Kun Keong Lao

    Kun Keong Lao



  • Ken Leung

    Ken Leung


    Old style. Chinese & HK movie there.

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