Macau Masters Hotel MO

MacauMacau Masters Hotel


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162, Rua das Lorchas, MO Macao
kontakter telefon: +853 2893 7572
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Latitude: 22.1948995, Longitude: 113.5357519

kommentar 5

  • recram16



    Pleasant enough stay, the room was clean, bed very comfortable. However the walls are not sound proof and traffic can be heard if your room is facing the street.

  • Devina Lie

    Devina Lie


    The check in process was easy and the receptionists were very friendly and helpful. The room was very spacious but affordable. The bathroom even has bathtub. The distance to bus stop is walkable but if you bring big luggage with you it might be tiring 🥹

  • Kennice Wong

    Kennice Wong


    An amazing stay :) The rooms are nicely designed and well-equipped. I am impressed to see the power plugs fit both 2 pins and 3 pins, and USB ports available too. Fantastic!

  • Winnie Chow

    Winnie Chow


    I had a wonderful stay at Macau Masters Hotel. The room is very clean and tidy. It looks like it is newly renovated. The staff are nice and helpful. I am extremely satisfied with the professional service of the concierge. Besides, this hotel is easily accessible by various bus routes. Also, there are many choices of restaurants nearby at walkable distances. Overall, I highly recommend Macau Masters Hotel for a short leisure stay.

  • Marie “M&M” Lee

    Marie “M&M” Lee


    This hotel is located at a very convenience location and bus stop right by the hotel give you easy access everywhere. Services is very friendly and provided most necessary amenities. Linen is clean and comfortable. We got a seaview room and it is spaceous. The hotel can use a little touch up, but the price is very reasonable.

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