Chu Kei Noodles MO

MacauChu Kei Noodles



🕗 åbningstider

21, Travessa dos Anjos, MO Macao
kontakter telefon: +853 2833 1638
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.1938411, Longitude: 113.5427869

kommentar 5

  • Poonsuk Jongsala

    Poonsuk Jongsala


    Delicious stewed beef with kale + Hong Kong The stew is soft and just right. Eat it with hot rice and dip it with chili in oil. It's very delicious. Anyone who passes by this area, I recommend it.

  • Wilson Cheung

    Wilson Cheung


    Curry is a bit oily Recommend dumplings, which is good Cp value is good, at this price with this quality Cannot complain anything

  • Kenneth Tam

    Kenneth Tam


    Normal, price is expensive due to the location.

  • matcha cream

    matcha cream


    The 98 year old shop owner making the best dumplings I’ve ever had.

  • Chi Ko

    Chi Ko


    Delicious and cheap. Preserved egg congee in chukei is the best that I have eaten.

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